Prairie Health and Homeopathy
Prairie Health and Homeopathy
  • About Jolea
    Certified Classical Homeopath
     Holistic Health Practitioner

    I am passionate about helping families support their health and wellness using the most gentle and natural means possible.     

    My interest in our body's ability to heal itself began when needing to find alternative ways besides what the traditional medical establishment was able to provide for my family.  

    Our journey began when my husband was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease that landed him in the hospital and having to have a majority of his digestive tract surgically removed. Coming home to recover from this experience, our eyes were opened to the fact that the pharmaceuticals he was prescribed were causing additional issues and were quickly putting his health in a cycle of sickness and prescriptions. God opened our eyes to the  relationship between food and health- and our family has not looked back since.

     I became a Holistic Health Practitioner in 2011 and a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners in 2012. I also studied to became a certified clinical herbalist in order to have a deeper understanding and connection with herbs and their amazing properties and uses. 

    Organic food, physical exercise, supplements, and herbs have been the core to my family’s health and what I have shared with many friends and clients over the years. 

    However, through all the years of using natural approaches for our health and wellness, I felt there was something else that I really needed to understand, and that was Homeopathy. I studied with the Homeopathy School International to become a Certified Classical Homeopath and have witnessed first-hand the gentle, quick, and amazing results that people see by using homeopathy.

"I cannot say enough about how amazing Jolea is!

She has helped every member of our family with skin issues to joint pain/arthritis. 
Her knowledge of gut health and diet/nutrition is phenomenal and her passion for helping is a blessing for everyone!!!
Our entire family trust her with all aspects of our health!!!"
- Erin

My desire is to share what I have learned and help those that are seeking relief and restoration in their health.

    The time it takes to see results by adjusting diet and using homeopathy or herbs to improve your health varies based on your vital force and health history. 
    People that use homeopathy most always see great improvement. It is generally very quick acting in acute situations, but may take a little longer in chronic conditions. 
    Everyone is different and heals at a different rate. I look forward to working alongside you as you achieve your personal health goals.             
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